About Us
We buy unused toner cartridges with Duty of Care. This is a buy-back site of Inkviro Ltd.
Making an online sale offer of your cartridges for sale
This site does not offer goods for sale or purchase, so has no online Payment Service Provider transaction facility. It offers a "Buy-back" (offer to purchase goods back) service only for genuine original toner cartridges and other printer consumables.
*Preparing toners for return/collection
When collected by our vehicle, we pay cheque on collection, on bank transfer in 24 hrs. on inspection of all surplus cartridge stock offered for sale, including open box damaged/sub standard boxes, subject to:
1. A collection within @200 miles of our post code, SG6 4QL, though not guaranteed.
2. A sufficient volume of cartridges to warrant the door-to-door collection.
3. A date/day for collection to be determined by us to coincide with any other multi-area collections as appropriate
For toners offered for sale outside a @200 mile radius (where we are logistically unable to service a collection), the following will apply:
A. We will arrange a third party courier collection within Mainland UK, subject to volume.
B. Collections in Scotish Highlands/Isles, Isle of Man & Isle of White and Ireland (Northern & Eire) may be charged to "The Seller"; the cost of a third party carriage arranged by us and deduct from the value of cartridge stock received. Any collection cost to be bourne by "The Seller" will be discussed pre-collection agreement.
C. Where you have your own third party courier arrangement & use this, the cost may be partly or fully re-imbursed (if sufficient volume).
Tax Charges
At this time we are currently not vat deregistered. Any price offered for purchase of items will be net of tax, and payment will be net of tax (VAT).
As a "Buying Site", buy-back prices shown reflect that cartridges re-bought carry no warranty (Guarantee) as they would when completely brand new. As such, in the event of any failed cartridge, we may suffer a 100% loss in offering warranty to our customers, but without being able to claim back from you. As "The Seller" there is no come back on failed units.
Any offer made to purchase printer cartridges, or that you make to us to buy printer cartridges, is subject to our physical inspection of those goods. We reserve the right to decline or rescind any offer made, or for any goods offered for sale, for any reason, including misdiscription in our judgement.
Reaching Us
If you need to reach us, please email us using the link on the store page, alternatively, you can call on 01462 861864 (International +44 01462 861864) or by mobile 07960 608401 or write to us at Hertfordshire SG6 4QL United Kingdom
Privacy Policy
Cookies are used on this site where they are strictly necessary for the site functionality. They are used to aid navigation, and to keep track of the contents of your seller cart. If you log in to an account, your logged-in status is recorded in a temporary cookie. If you select the 'Remember Me' Option in the checkout, a cookie will be used to remember your details. You can turn off cookies by blocking them in your browser Privacy settings. If you turn off cookies, you will be unable to place orders. You can also delete cookies on your machine at any time after you have either visited our site or used its services.
As shown by the consent banner for site entry acceptance/no acceptance, we use Goole analytics for the purposes of using Googles advertising services. Any such advertising is limited to within the UK only.
Data collected by this site is used to:
a. Take and fulfil customer seller orders (offer made to sell & for our consideration to purchase).
b. Administer and enhance the site and service.
c. Only disclose information to third-parties for goods purchase purposes.
d. To occasionally make an approach to offer our service with legitimate interest: See below.
We ask for minimal personal information to be able to provide our services. If you have ever used the services offered by this site and want to know about any personal information we may hold about you, or for any personal information to be removed/deleted, you can send a request to the Data Controller by email to info@inkviro.co.uk, or make a telephone request; 01462 681864, or write to Inkviro Ltd. 36-36a Caslon Way, Letchworth, Herts, SG6 4QL.
If you use the side tab form for goods you wish to present to us for sale, this is a third party form (Jotform). This form asks for very minimal personal information necessary to undertake a business transaction and data is held in the EU (Germany) for GDPR. As an alternative to this convenient means of communication, you may, alternatively simply email. Our email is shown in both the site header and footer as a "Contact Us" link.
We appreciate your privacy & do not disclose information to third parties other than to assist you for the purpose of completing a payment transaction using electronic means via:
e. PayPal facilitated by your provision of an email address
f. Our bankers: In this case, we will delete bank details after a payment is made, unless specifically directed by you to retain via the third party/ies (bank/s) own online confidentiality & security measures for convenience of any future payments.
This site is not a buying site and does not offer anything for sale, in which case a payment transaction would be necessary on line. There are no online bank processes via this site.
Legitimate interest approach to offer our services B2B will come from Linkedin or historical data. This will describe the approach, who we are, what we do, and provide a means for you to be able to request any information about you to be removed. If you are unhappy about any approach we have made to you, you can write to:
Information Commissioners Office (ICO), Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF.
Returns Policy
As this is a "Buying site" ONLY, it does not offer goods for sale, & your rights to return goods normally protected under the EU Distance Selling Directive are not applicable.